Hello from The Graduate School. I am pleased to share this annual report with you—the first during my tenure as dean of The Graduate School. This has been a busy and challenging year for many of us. In addition to me, The Graduate School welcomed several other new leaders.With the pandemic (mostly) behind us, we are coming to terms with the fact that it has changed our lives and the lives of our students forever. The recent Supreme Court decision in the Harvard and UNC admission cases signifies additional coming changes—and challenges that The Graduate School is now navigating.In light of this “brave new world,” we must adjust our policies, practices, and expectations to serve graduate students whose lives are more complex and whose career interests are more diverse than ever.At the same time, The Graduate School must work with departments and programs to help them embrace changes in graduate education (prominently, the decision of our Ph.D. students in August 2023 to unionize), some of which are quite different from longstanding practices and expectations in graduate training.The activities and initiatives described in this report demonstrate that The Graduate School is prepared to not just respond, but to lead in this new era of post-pandemic graduate education.
I owe this to our outstanding team, and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank them for their leadership, forbearance, and compassion during this challenging time. I would also like to thank our campus partners for their collegiality and commitment to our students and programs. Most importantly, I want to thank the students who have trusted us to provide them with an outstanding graduate education that prepares them for the career path of their choice.I am still setting priorities, building relationships, and envisioning the future of graduate education at Duke. Next year, I hope to report on some of our new ideas and initiatives. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have suggestions, a new idea, or constructive feedback. I look forward to engaging with you and all of my colleagues as we work to bolster The Graduate School's mission of providing "research-based graduate training that will help students learn the analytical skills to be future leaders in a wide variety of professions in academia, industry, education, government, nonprofits, and beyond.”

2022–2023 Year in Review
Major Highlights
Dean Suzanne Barbour Joins TGS in September 2022
Suzanne Barbour, Ph.D., a national leader in graduate education, scholarly research, teaching, and mentoring, joined Duke in July 2022, assuming the role of dean of The Graduate School and vice provost for graduate education.In her first year, Dean Barbour has begun to prepare TGS for the future of graduate education, sharing her vision of a more holistic educational experience for students.Dean Barbour's leadership has been instrumental in guiding TGS through the many challenges of the 2022–2023 academic year, including the lingering impact of the pandemic, managing upcoming changes due to student unionization, and the Supreme Court Case ruling on race-conscious admissions.
The Duke Graduate School continued to make significant enhancements to the graduate student experience by implementing a series of cost-of-living measures for the 2022–23 and 2023–24 academic years.Responding to the financial challenges faced by students, The Graduate School created a task force led by Shanna Fitzpatrick, senior associate dean for finance and administration, working with Duke leaders, campus partners, and the Graduate and Professional Student Government.The team delivered a noteworthy increase in Ph.D. stipends, along with various initiatives to make housing, parking, and dining more affordable for the graduate community. Additional resources were provided to improve student well-being. These measures aim to alleviate financial burdens and create a more conducive environment for academic excellence and personal growth.Read more about how these resources were utilized this year in the Financial Support and Professional Development sections of this report.

Students attend an orientation event in Summer 2022, sponsored by Graduate Student Affairs. More financial resources were allocated to GSA this year to support holistic student wellness.
In honor of her many professional and academic accomplishments, The Graduate School named Martha S. Head, Ph.D., the recipient of the 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award.Dr. Head came to Duke as a James B. Duke Graduate Research Fellow, and received her doctoral degree in Physical Chemistry in 1995. Over the course of her career, she has led teams that harnessed the power of computation to analyze and understand the complex relationship between biology and chemistry in the pursuit of drug discovery.
TGS Receives $10 million gift from The Duke Endowment
The Duke Endowment awarded Duke University $10 million to support the university’s pressing need for doctoral fellowships.Included in the $10 million Duke Endowment award is $2.5 million earmarked for dollar-for-dollar matching support for doctoral fellowships, which The Graduate School hopes will raise an additional $2.5 million to bring the award’s total philanthropic impact to $12.5 million.“This is an exceptional opportunity for new and existing Duke donors to support the university’s priority on graduate student financial aid and to make an immediate impact,” said Dave Kennedy, vice president of Duke Alumni Engagement and Development. “I am so thankful for this latest partnership with The Duke Endowment and for making this fund a possibility so that our donor dollars can go even farther.”

“This will help not only recruit the most talented doctoral students, but help students concentrate on their pivotal research, get the most from their time in the Duke community, and complete their Ph.D. degrees in less time.”- Dean Suzanne Barbour

Ayşe Gül Altınay
Ph.D.’01 Cultural Anthropology

Sheila Patek
Ph.D.’01 Biology

Steven Spoel
Ph.D.’08 Developmental,
Cell and Molecular Biology
Few-Glasson Alumni Society
The Few-Glasson Alumni Society recognizes individuals who lead truly distinguished careers, making a significant impact in their fields and embodying the essence of Duke's commitment to excellence.In 2022, we proudly welcomed three new inductees to the Few-Glasson Alumni Society, recognizing their exceptional accomplishments and dedication to scholarship, leadership, and service: Ayşe Gül Altınay (Ph.D.’01 Cultural Anthropology), Sheila Patek (Ph.D.’01 Biology), and Steven Spoel (Ph.D.’08 Developmental, Cell and Molecular Biology).Through their inspiring careers and dedication to graduate education, these distinguished alumni inspire and empower the next generation of scholars, leaving a lasting legacy at Duke Graduate School.
2023 Hooding Ceremony
On May 13, 2023, The Duke Graduate School held its Ph.D. Hooding Ceremonies against the backdrop of the majestic Duke Chapel.In all, 279 Ph.D. graduates participated in the ceremonies, joined by more than 1,300 guests, faculty, and staff who attended in person, and over 2,000 who watched the ceremonies live.The 2023 Ph.D. Hooding Ceremonies marked the culmination of years of rigorous academic pursuit and the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of our graduates. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the Class of 2023 and wish them the very best in their future endeavors.
Ceremony Recordings
Ph.D. Ceremony for Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Engineering
Ph.D. Ceremony for
Humanities and Social Sciences
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2022–2023 Year in Review
by the numbers
new master's
students in fall 2022
new Ph.D.
students in fall 2022
master's graduates
in 2022–2023
Ph.D. graduates
in 2022–2023
in gifts received for
graduate fellowships
in new pledges for
graduate fellowships
donated to TGS Annual Fund,
12% over annual goal
Annual Fund leadership donors,
each with donations over $1k

Development & Philanthropy

students participated in
professional development programs with Graduate Student Affairs
Professional Development Grants awarded, including both MFA
programs for the first time
Ph.D. fellows and postdocs
completed the Preparing Future
Faculty Program
graduate students and
postdocs participated in the Emerging Leaders Institute
students enrolled in the
Certificate in College Teaching program
students participated in 142 events
offered for Responsible Conduct
of Research credit
in fellowships awarded
to 310 Ph.D. students
Dean's Research Awards for Master's Students, totaling $59k
in Summer Research Fellowships awarded to 464 students, including 19 awards for equity & inclusion research
awarded in COVID-19 funding extensions to Ph.D. students
in childcare subsidies awarded to the 27 students who applied
in medical and hardship funding awarded to 75 students, an increase of nearly $300k in support compared to 2022

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2022–2023 Year in Review
Financial Support

increasing Support in a Changing Economy
During the summer of 2022, The Graduate School partnered with Duke University leadership and the Graduate and Professional Student Government to create a robust plan to aid students impacted by the rapidly rising cost of living.A task force led by Shanna Fitzpatrick, senior associate dean for finance and administration, announced several sweeping initiatives to provide both short- and long-term relief to graduate and professional students at Duke.
One time payment of $1,000
In October of 2022, active Ph.D. students received a $1,000 one-time payment, supported by funds from the Provost’s office. This payment increased the 2022–2023 full-year Ph.D. stipend to $34,660, a 5% increase from support received in 2021–2022.

11.4% increase in full-year Ph.D stipend
The full-year Ph.D. stipend for the 2023–2024 academic year was raised to $38,600, an 11.4% increase from the $34,660 stipend in 2022–2023. This increase is supported by resources from The Graduate School and the schools that house Duke Ph.D. programs. Combined with the $1,000 one-time increase in October 22, the new support represents a 16.97% increase in the stipend over a two-year period.
Savings on Parking
The university standardized graduate and professional student parking rates and reduced them to the level of undergraduate parking rates, reducing the rate by 41%. Changes to night permit parking access gave graduate and professional students more flexibility to park closer to the buildings where their training took place. Additionally, students were given the option to use monthly payroll reduction rather than a one-time payment for annual parking.

Additional Support, and Stronger Partnership
with GPSG
Additional support to students included the negotiating of lower premiums for the student medical insurance plan and providing more affordable housing through subsidized rates.A stronger collaboration with the Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) will continue the progress made this year. GPSG representatives will review stipend levels each year to ensure that they keep up with the cost of living. The university will also partner with GPSG to get feedback on parking and transit programs.

$800k Investment from The Graduate School
As part of the increased financial support provided for students, The Graduate School drew from its reserve funds to provide $800,000 in additional support.This infusion of funds allowed for resources to help students address financial, travel, professional development, and wellness needs.
Childcare Subsidy
A $75k investment in the childcare subsidy fund increased the maximum annual support for each recipient from $5k to $7k, and increased the eligibility period from 3 to 5 years.

Wellness Support
To support the wellness needs of students, TGS created a Graduate Student Wellness Fund to subsidize the costs for developing initiatives related to promoting wellness and mental health improvement.
Medical Expense & Hardship Assistance
An additional $100k was invested in the assistance program to help any enrolled Ph.D. students in need, doubling the amount of support per student to $10k.

Professional Development
Funding was used to dynamically expand resources provided to graduate and professional students. Learn more about how this funding was used in the Professional Development section of this report.
Travel Funds
TGS increased its funding pool for dissertation research travel fellowships. A limited pool of one-time conference travel funding was also offered to Ph.D. students not yet in candidacy.

Community Pantry
Annual support of the community pantry run by the Graduate and Professional Student Government was raised to $30k. The pantry provides students and their families reliable access to nutritious food.
As announced in 2019, all Duke Ph.D. students in their guaranteed funding period received full 12-month stipends starting in the 2022–2023 academic year. Students in programs that historically provided nine-month stipends now receive summer funding to provide tuition coverage and mandatory fees during the summer months, starting in 2023.Summer funding is provided by The Graduate School, the Provost's Office, individual departments, schools that house Ph.D. programs, and other areas of campus.

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2022–2023 Year in Review

Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Professional Development Melissa Bostrom (center), and Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Development J. Alan Kendrick (right), lead a 2022 student workshop.
new INVESTMENTs in professional development
As part of an $800,000, multiple-initiative investment in 2022, The Graduate School created a host of new professional development opportunities for graduate students.To read what other resources were created through the investment from TGS, visit the Financial Support section of this report.
Professional Attire Funding Program
TGS partnered with the Duke Career Center's professional attire funding program, which gives qualified students $250 for the purchase of professional attire for jobs and interviews.
Internship Funding Program
In a second partnership with the Duke Career Center, an Internship funding program piloted new funding for master’s students completing unpaid or low-paid summer internships.

Conference Travel
TGS offered time-limited conference travel support for pre-candidacy Ph.D. students, with awards supporting more than 60 students. Funding for this program ended in June 2023.
One-Year Online Subscriptions
One-year subscriptions to online career platforms Beyond the Professoriate and Beyond Graduate School provide 24/7 support for career exploration for Ph.D. and master’s students.
CliftonStrengths Assessments
The school purchased CliftonStrengths assessments for 1,000 students, and offered three workshops to help students understand their results and maximize their strongest assets.
New Support for Graduate Instructors
TGS introduced a one-credit course GS780S: Graduate Instructor of Record (IOR) Seminar to provide a learning community for up to 15 students serving as instructors of record.

Political science Ph.D. student Miguel Martinez discusses his experience as a peer mentor while Maria Wisdom, director of the peer mentoring program, listens.

Program director Maria Wisdom (fifth from left) with peer mentors.
Launched in the fall of 2022, a mentoring program for first-year Ph.D. students has helped students navigate challenges such as relationships with professors, work–life balance, and improving self-image by overcoming "imposter syndrome."The program was formed through a partnership with The Office of Interdisciplinary Studies, offering a safe and confidential space for students to discuss Ph.D. training-related topics, offering diverse perspectives and strategies to enhance resilience and well-being in graduate school.Guided by Maria Wisdom, the program's director, mentors were trained to help new students flourish. Each group was different, with the mentors and mentees bringing something distinct to the table. All of the mentors, however, were trained to deal with the different experiences of each mentee.
2023 professional development grant recipients
The Graduate School awarded eight professional development grants in the 2023 calendar year. Grants provide up to $2,000 to help graduate students and their departments create professional development programming and resources for exploring both academic and diverse careers. Such programming complements the offerings from The Graduate School, which focus on topics that are applicable across disciplines.The Graduate School has awarded 70 grants since the program’s launch in 2014. Over that time, the grants have supported 43 departments and programs. Recipients this year included:
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Duke Institute for Brain Sciences (2 awards)
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Master of Fine Arts in Dance
Master of Fine Arts in Experimental Documentary Arts
Ph.D. programs in the Nicholas School of the Environment

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2022–2023 Year in Review
English for International Students

A student in Elizabeth Long's "Academic Presentations" class
in the English for International Students program.
Using data to improve eis support
In the 2022–23 academic year, the English for International Students (EIS) program supported 477 students (255 in the fall; 222 in the spring), enrolled in 32 EIS courses. A total of 421 students participated in EIS placement assessments, including exams in speaking and writing.In the fall of 2022, EIS planned a comprehensive needs-based assessment through a survey completed by 121 former EIS students and 75 faculty members and administrators. Data from this assessment was used in the spring to plan future improvements to the program.
English Placement Exam Quick Tips
In summer 2022, EIS produced a short video that provided quick tips for EIS’s placement exams. The video was shared with departments and programs and the fall 2022 incoming student cohort. It is also being shared with the fall 2023 cohort.
Peer Institution Survey
During the spring of 2023, EIS organized and executed a peer-institution survey focused on policies and procedures related to English language testing.With the results, EIS compiled a preliminary report that was submitted to TGS, with comprehensive findings showcased during the 2023 Consortium on Graduate Communication Summer Institute.

Marta McCabe, Ph.D., and her "Academic Writing II" class in the English for International Students program

Partnership with Duke law school
In August 2022, the English for International Students administered language exams to 12 J.D. students.EIS also sponsored 4 workshops for Duke Law students in the summer of 2022.
Students attend the Summer English Conversations Series hosted by the English for International Students program and Duke International Student Center (DISC)
Duke International Student Center (DISC)
During the summer of 2022, EIS and DISC organized in-person English conversation sessions intended for postdocs, visiting scholars, and their spouses or partners. Throughout May and June, they hosted a series of 6 weekly events, engaging a total of 30 participants from over 10 different countries.
EIS Highlights: department reports
In the summer of 2022, EIS developed custom reports for the 62 departments and programs it served. Each report contained data on student enrollments (both general and for the respective department/program), precise testing figures, a compilation of EIS courses pertinent to the specific department/program, and particulars about the needs assessment.These reports were distributed to individual DGSs, DGSAs, and department chairs in early August 2022, just before the start of the fall placement exams. A similar set of reports is scheduled to be distributed in August 2023.
International outreach
In spring 2023, EIS conducted 3 virtual interviews with Duke Summer Session international-student applicants.
In December 2022 and January 2023, EIS conducted 2 virtual interviews with prospective visiting scholars for the Asian & Middle Eastern Studies (AMES) program.
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2022–2023 Year in Review
Equity & Inclusion
moving beyond diversity
The students, faculty, and staff of The Graduate School form a rich tapestry of life experience, background, thought, and perspective. More important than diversity in representation is a culture of inclusion and equity that supports all members of the university community.In 2022 and 2023, TGS expanded efforts to support and mentor underrepresented students, recognized those at the forefront of supporting anti-racism efforts, and launched new initiatives that laid the groundwork for grappling with future challenges to our inclusive values.
University Center of Exemplary mentoring
Entering its sixth year at Duke, the University Center of Exemplary Mentoring has supported 52 traditionally underrepresented students across 5 cohorts, with 10 new scholars joining the program in fall 2023.In addition to generous financial support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, scholars receive cocurricular programming, professional and peer mentoring, community-building activities, and opportunities to participate in cross-disciplinary research.A survey conducted in fall of 2022 found that 82% of Sloan Scholars felt the program has positively impacted their well-being.
Sloan Scholar Spotlights Series
Meet five of our Sloan Scholars in a photo series created by former TGS intern Mika Travis.In the series, Joshua Crittenden, Gavin Gonzales, Natalie Rozman, Aitor Bracho, and Grayson Rice share how being a Sloan Scholar has helped their academic journey.
Anti-Racism Community earns 2023 dean's award
"I don’t think it’s something that is unique to this group of students...I truly believe that every department at Duke could have an anti-racism community."- Carolina Daffre, 2nd-year Ph.D. student
In recognition of its efforts to establish an anti-racist culture at Duke, the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience Anti-Racism Community (ARC) received the Dean's Award for Inclusive Excellence in Graduate Education in 2023.The ARC is a community of graduate students and faculty from the Duke Clinical Psychology Program, and the successful model of the program has the potential to expand to other graduate departments.Learn about all of this year's awards on the Dean's Awards section of this report.
2023 summer research fellowships expand equity research
Support for Ph.D. students in 2023 included:
Summer Research Fellowships for Research on Racism and Systemic Inequalities
Summer Research Fellowships for Research on Women or Girls of Color
addressing students for fair admissions Supreme court ruling
In June 2023, the Supreme Court ruled that race-conscious admissions practices at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill were unconstitutional.Immediately after the ruling, Duke University President Price issued a statement affirming Duke's commitment to its values of community, inclusion, and respect.During the summer of 2023, The Graduate School worked closely with its colleagues across the institution, including University Counsel, to make updates to its admissions policies.

"Let me say to any members of the Duke community who may now wonder whether Duke is the place for you—we see you, we welcome you, and we will support you."- President Vincent Price
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2022–2023 Year in Review
Student Accomplishments
21 Graduate School Students Receive NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
In 2023, 21 Graduate School students received The National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowships, and 11 students received honorable mentions.Since 1952, the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program has been backing exceptional graduate students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Annually, the foundation bestows 2,000 awards. Awardees receive a three-year stipend, tuition and fees covered, and access to opportunities for professional development.
5 Graduate School Students Receive 2023 Forever Duke Award
"Forever Duke" acknowledges graduating students who epitomize the Duke spirit through their contributions to the university. Awardees are individuals of exceptional character who have accomplished significant feats not just within Duke but also for the institution itself.They showcase qualities that make them deserving of the award, including their resolute support for the Duke community, their embodiment of Duke's foundational principle of "knowledge in the service to society," and their contribution towards enhancing Duke's environment.Congratulations to the 5 graduate students who earned this award in 2023!
Catherine Ji Won Lee
Niara Wright Phillips
Judith Mwobobia
Elliot Mamet
Shree Bose
selected Student Awards & Honors
Graduate student accomplishments are recognized throughout the year on the News, Spotlights, and Blog Posts section of the TGS website. Students, tag @DukeGradSchool on social media to let us know of your accomplishments and be recognized through our channels!

Warren Lowell (Public Policy and Sociology, above) and Pamela Zabala (Sociology, below) received inaugural Dissertation Research Grants from the Russell Sage Foundation.

Karim Abdelaal and his advisor Kafui Dzirasa were awarded a 2022 Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Ashley Truong (Molecular Physiology) received the NIH NRSA F30 Award. Truong’s research focuses on controlling adipocyte (fat cell) identity and maintenance in the setting of healthy and pathological adipose tissue expansion.

Kamillah Kassam (Chemistry) received the Samuel DuBois Cook Society’s Graduate Student Award.

Ph.D. candidate Eric Yeats (Electrical and Computer Engineering) received the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) award.

Jonathan Behrens (Ecology) received the Ecological Society of America’s 2023 Katherine S. McCarter Graduate Student Policy Award.

Amanda Barreto (Biomedical Engineering) received a National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Research Training Grant (T32).

Physics students Ryan Bouabid (above) and Rebecca Chen (below) were selected for the Department of Energy (DOE)’s Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program. Through the SCGSR program, graduate students conduct part of their graduate thesis research at a DOE laboratory and collaborate with a DOE laboratory scientist.

Rebecca Cook received a 2022 Leakey Foundation Grant, one of 33 recipients of the award which funds projects related to human evolution, behavior, and survival. Cook’s research focuses on the shape and function of the pelvis, particularly as it relates to gait.
Four Duke Ph.D. students received the Triangle Center for Evolutionary Medicine’s Graduate Student Awards for fall 2022.The one-year awards help graduate students pursue research in evolutionary medicine relevant to their graduate research. The awards provide up to $7,500 per student for direct research expenses.Duke recipients included:
Rebecca Cook (Evolutionary Anthropology)
Trisha Dalapati (Molecular Genetics and Microbiology)
Tania P. Guerrero Altamirano (Genetics and Genomics)
Bach Nguyen (Biochemistry)

German Studies (Carolina-Duke German Program)
Dean's Graduate Fellowship
Fellowship snapshot:
"My area of interest is within German Studies, specifically Black German Studies. My research looks at Black German, or Afro-German, identities and how Afro-German narratives are established in contemporary German society, mainly through various forms of media. Germany doesn't have a racial census like the United States does, so it is difficult to precisely say how much of Germany's population is Black—the estimate, however, is about 1 million people, or roughly 2% of the population. My goal is to change the American perception of what it means to look or to be German and present a more accurate representation of the nation that is seldom seen outside of Europe. Germany's population diversity has shifted dramatically in recent years, and I strongly believe this deserves more attention in American academia."
Each year, The Graduate School awards hundreds of Summer Research Fellowships to Ph.D. students, funded by gifts from alumni and supporters.In summer 2022, Ph.D. students collected data on baboon foraging behaviors, conducted a drone-based remote sensing survey of an ancient Italic city, and biopsied dolphins to examine how blubber may respond to microplastic exposure, among many other endeavors.
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2022–2023 Year in Review
2023 Dean's Awards
Dean's Award for Excellence in Mentoring
TGS bestows the Dean's Award for Excellence in Mentoring to celebrate the notable achievements of faculty and graduate students. Crafted to enable the university community to recognize individuals who exhibit exemplary mentoring and teaching, these awards stand as significant markers of the university's ongoing commitment to nurture a culture of mentorship and top-quality teaching.

Staff of TGS attend the 2023 Dean's Awards Ceremony

Award recipient Julia Bingham speaks at the 2023 Dean's Awards Ceremony
Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
The Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching was established by TGS to recognize outstanding teaching demonstrated by Ph.D. students who are actively involved in instructing Duke's undergraduate or graduate students. Every spring, TGS honors graduate students who most vividly showcase the attributes of impactful college teaching as they prepare themselves for future roles of service, leadership, and education.
Dean’s Award for Inclusive Excellence in Graduate Education

The Dean's Award for Inclusive Excellence in Graduate Education recognizes exceptional accomplishments by departments and programs that contribute to fostering an atmosphere of inclusive excellence within graduate education.The 2023 recipient of the award was the Anti-Racism Community (ARC) in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience.The ARC is a community of graduate students and faculty from the Duke Clinical Psychology Program that aims to address systematic racism on Duke’s campus. ARC was formed in July 2020 by Clinical Psychology Ph.D. students and faculty in response to the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, police brutality at subsequent national protests, and the legacy of anti-Black racism.
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2022–2023 Year in Review
TGS Staff
latishia futrell, graduate student affairs
Congratulations to Latishia "Tish" Futrell, senior program coordinator in Graduate Student Affairs, who earned her M.A. in liberal studies at Duke University in the spring of 2023!Tish serves as the assistant director to the Duke University Center for Exemplary Mentoring, where she expertly supports scholars through their graduate school journey and connects them with available resources.

a growing communications team
The past few years have proven the value of strong institutional communications during times of crisis. As such, Graduate School Dean Suzanne Barbour invested resources in growing the TGS communications team.In March 2023, Scott Behm joined TGS in the new role of Associate Dean of Communications & Marketing. Scott oversees The Graduate School’s communications with its internal and external audiences, including students, graduate faculty, staff, and alumni. Scott will soon welcome a Communications Specialist, giving TGS an expanded team of communicators.Before joining The Graduate School in March 2023, he served as the Director of Communications for Duke Surgery and Duke Emergency Medicine from 2019 to 2023, and Publications Specialist for Duke Surgery from 2016 to 2019. Scott began his career as a public school educator in Virginia. He holds a B.A. in English and language arts teacher education, and is working on his thesis to complete an M.A. in digital communications from UNC – Chapel Hill.
John Zhu, communications
For almost a decade, Senior Director of Communications John Zhu expertly supported the mission of The Graduate School through storytelling, photography, video, and design. John created and executed a communications strategy that not only supported the needs of TGS leadership, but one that celebrated graduate students, advocated their needs, and shared their accomplishments with the Duke community and the world.In November 2022, John left Duke to pursue a new career opportunity in civic tech. Though John will be sorely missed, his contributions to The Graduate School will be felt for years to come. Thank you, John!

lynette roesch, administration
Also serving The Graduate School for almost a decade, Adminstrative Assistant Lynette Roesch played an indispensable role as the point of contact for visitors to The Graduate School building. If you visited TGS in the last few years, or called us on the phone, you most likely met Lynette.Lynette was committed to being a lifelong learner, as she shared in a recent Duke Today article. Now, she is putting those skills to work as she crafts the next chapter of her life story. Over the summer of 2023, Lynette left TGS for a well-deserved retirement.Best of luck in your retirement, Lynette!
natalie bradin, TGS student intern
Natalie Bradin joined The Graduate School during the summer of 2023. Natalie is a student at UNC – Chapel Hill, where she is double majoring in media and journalism / Hispanic literature and culture, with a minor in studio art. She will stay on as an intern at TGS during the academic year.Natalie was instrumental in creating this year's annual report. Thank you for your impressive work, Natalie!

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